Complete verification helps mediate both seller and buyer through an unbiased, external institution. Complete Verification allows FAKEBUSTER'S verification associates to have the product in hand to not only do a visual inspection, but also utilize state-of-the-art technology to verify materials, tags, and serial numbers.
Upon verification of an authentic product, FAKEBUSTERS will provide a unique metal material tag with a unique serial number that can be found within FAKEBUSTERS' Archive. In addition, a Verification Certificate will be provided with all authentic products.
The service is catered for a wide variety of consumers including collectors, buyers, sellers, and resell platforms and stores.
If an error occurs during any part of the verification process a full refund will be provided.
Please eneter the serial number attached to the FAKEBUSTER'S tag to view profile
A. Currently we do not accept drop-offs.
A. Yes. In addition, we will ship the bulk order back as efficiently as possible.